I'm currently in the process of trying to become a Swiss citizen -
or wait - will I be becoming a citizen of Schaffhausen, if the guy in
immigration at the Zürich civil registry is to be believed.
Things that I've learned so far in the immigration process. (With
the awareness that this process is made simpler by my current citizenship as an
American, the fact that I am white and the fact that I am married and
financially stable.)
1. Swiss
bureaucrats have clear ideas about who is Swiss, which is good, because it's
their job to make people Swiss, but this also means that they can have a tunnel
vision of their definition of Swissness. At the civil registry, when attempting
to procure a Gesuchsformular (application form), the civil servant uncivilly
serving me refused to believe that my husband was, is or ever had been Swiss.
He took my residency card to look me up in the system and didn't find me (this
- of course - heightened his suspicion of me.) "M-U-N... Ich finde Sie
nicht! Es gibt keine Munssen." Of course he couldn't find me. Of course no
Munssen exists at my address. My name begins M-I-J. When I told him as much, he
scolded me for the small print on my residency card, (not sure how that's my
fault) and continued to be incredulous that anyone with such a foreign-sounding
name could have been a Swiss citizen when he married me back in 2007. I told
him that my husband's great grandfather had been Swiss, but he wasn't convinced
till he found my husband in his system and read that his mother was called
Hemmi. Apparently, he was permitted to be considered Swiss after that. The
uncivil servant became more civil and told me that I would need to get my
application form from Schaffhausen, as I would be a citizen of Schaffhausen. He
also tried to scare me by saying that Schaffhausen's location, near the German
border, meant that I might be under more scrutiny than people trying to become
Zürchers. I told him that I welcomed scrutiny, with the confidence of a woman
who'd been married 10 years and felt sure that I could convince Swiss Makers
that my marriage is not being faked for citizenship.
2. Bureaucrats
have no idea what they're talking about. Today I schlepped all the way to
Schaffhausen, to pick up the application that Mr. Uncivil had assured me that
I'd need to get there and I couldn't They didn't have an immigration office to
visit at their registry, just a slip of paper with a lady's name and number on
it. So I call her and she answers like she has a moment and then I'm telling
her while I'm calling and she says, "I'll have to call you back, I'm in
the middle of something here." First off, what can she be in the middle of
if her office is un-visitable? Second, maybe don't answer if you can't talk or
don't ask me what I need if you don't have time to hear it. That's impatient me
talking, who's in the car to drive back to Zürich and there's a person in a car
behind, wanting me to leave the parking space. So this magic, office-less lady
calls me back and tells me that the Zürich guy should have absolutely given me
the application because it's not a cantonal matter, it's a federal matter and
she starts going on about those idiots in Zürich and I'm thinking, like the
printing on my residency card, this is another annoyance for which I am not
responsible and can not help. So she'll mail me the form that I just drove 45
minutes to get and then gets frustrated with me 3 times for speaking too
quickly. You are a lady with just a phone number! You should be tops at taking
info off the phone! Again, this is my frustration speaking. Luckily, phone
number lady didn't have a problem with the foreign-ness of my last name at
3. As a foreigner,
I am meant to better understand the naturalization process better than the
people responsible for the process.
4. Jokes are not
welcome. When I was visiting the tax office, I suggested that part of my
integration process, on the road to becoming a citizen, was visiting a bunch of
city buildings that I'd previously never visited before. She seemed offended by
this attempt at whimsy.
5. People at the
work and welfare office are never happy to have a visit and seem genuinely
inconvenienced at having to leave their seats and come to the service window.
6. The America
Consulate security fella is being overly dramatic about his job. His lap around
the building, his singing of the Winkie Chant as he keeps you from visiting the
Wizard… Because of the 4 visits there in the past month, 1 was with a different
security guard and he was totally chill and seemed far more ok with my speaking
Swiss German with him than Mr. Winkie.
7. Becoming a
citizen of another country feels weird. It's different to the weirdness of
getting a different last name after 25 years of having another last name. But
it's similar to learning the language that the love of my life speaks. I've
learned the language of the man that I love and the culture and then I went and
lived there for longer than I've lived most any other place and it's home and
now it'll be my home on paper and I'll be one of the growing number of Swiss
people with non-Swiss last names.
Like changing my
name when I got married, it feels weird to be something so different to my
siblings; to be a foreign citizen to the citizenship of my family. The first
most significant time that it felt significant to live abroad was when my
nephew was born. I was an aunt abroad. When he talks about his extended family,
he mentions that he's got an aunt in Europe. That felt big to me. When my mom
was dying, the distance felt significant, but that wasn't anything to do with
citizenship or particular location, just miles apart.
So that's the road
thus far to being a citizen of the town with the golden bollocks.
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